Dental Clinics at University of Alkafeel Commencing Services to patients and Students Training 2023-2024.
2023 / 09 / 24

    The medical clinics of College of Dentistry at University of Alkafeel receive patients every morning to provide their various medical services. Moreover , there are certain acts of training students in educational medical clinics and of treating all dental disease cases for free throughout the semester from Saturday to Wednesday from 08: 30 to 02: 30 . The medical services and treatments provided vary depending on the medical condition. The surgery clinic is concerned with extractions and various surgical procedures , therapy clinic is much specialized in simple fillings and root fillings , the Children Clinic includes child treatment , and baby teeth, and prophylactic procedures, the Orthodontic Clinic in diagnosing and treating movable devices , the industrial clinic in partial and complete removable prosthetics and the oral medicine clinic in diagnosing various pathological conditions and prescribing appropriate medications, the periodontal clinic in various periodontal treatments.