College of Pharmacy Organizing Scientific Lecture on Antibiotics: are we Heading to a Disaster?
2023 / 11 / 13

The College of Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy Branch at University of Alkafeel organized a scientific lecture on Monday, November 13, 2023, in the Sheikh Al-Balaghi hall titled "antibiotics: are we heading to a disaster? An economic perspective," delivered by Asst. lectur. Ahmed Kadhim. The lecture focused on raising awareness about antibiotics, highlighting that the lack of research and investments in developing new antibiotics is a significant barrier. It also discussed the rational use of antibiotics, which has been increasing for several reasons, including the irrational dispensing of antibiotics and the absence of a deterrent law against misuse, which has exacerbated the problem according to the World Health Organization's forecasts. The number of deaths could reach 10 million annually