"OSPE: Final Practical Exam for Pathophysiology in the College of Pharmacy"
2023 / 12 / 04

     The Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences at the College of Pharmacy conducted the final practical exam for third-stage students in the subject of Pathophysiology using the OSPE method on Monday, 4/12/2023, in the laboratories of the College of Pharmacy, by Dr. Noor Marza, and under the supervision of the Head of the Department, Asst. Prof. Dr. Husayn Shakir Mahmoud. The exam was conducted in using the OSPE method, through which students are distributed across different stations, each containing a practical question that examines the student's knowledge and understanding of the practical material, taking into account the presence of rest stations that allow the student to review their answers. Students move from one station to another within a specified time (one minute at each station), where the examinees finish the exam after passing through all the stations. The OSPE method is one of the modern testing methods adopted by the College of Pharmacy at University of Alkafeel this year to test its students in the practical aspect, reflecting the real level of students and keeping up with the development in teaching and testing methods, which is the approach followed by University of Alkafeel.