College of Medical and Health Technologies at University of Alkafeel Organizes Scientific Lecture on Microbiology
2025 / 01 / 25

The Department of Anesthesia Technology at the College of Medical and Health Technologies in University of Alkafeel organized a scientific and practical lecture : "Microbiology", presented by Asst. Lect. Fadak Mansour Abdul Ridha, on Saturday 1/25/2025. The lecture aimed to deepen the perception of the students about the microscopic world and the effect of microorganisms on living organisms and their environmentsand to develop their practical skills in using laboratory tools and techniques.

    The lecture included an explanation of the concept of microbiology and its effects, with training students on dealing with microorganisms and using modern laboratory tools:

- Paying attention to personal hygiene and the use of hand sanitizers.

- Using sterile tools in laboratories and hospitals to prevent infection.

- Increasing the knowledge of the students on the types of microorganisms and their effects.

- Developing their skills in using laboratory techniques and dealing safely with microorganisms.

    This lecture is part of a series of scientific activities organized by the college to augment their progress in scientific and practical skills in the medical and technical fields.